A bibliography for Jack Vance

Jack Vance, sorted by year written

show ‘1956’ (clear filter)
5 matches
Other titles: I-C-a-BeM
Publication: Amazing Stories
Date(s): (1956) October 1961
Author’s age at the time: 40
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1956) August 1957
Author’s age at the time: 40
Other titles: House Lords
Dutch title: De Baas in Huis
Publication: Saturn
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1956) October 1957
Author’s age at the time: 40
Dutch title: De talen van Pao
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1956) December 1957
Author’s age at the time: 40
Dutch title: Groene magie
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1956) June 1963
Author’s age at the time: 40