A bibliography for Jack Vance

Jack Vance, sorted by year written

show ‘1966’ (clear filter)
4 matches
Dutch title: Het Geheim
Publication: Impulse
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1951) March 1966
Author’s age at the time: 35
Author’s title: Man Who Walks Behind
Published under pseudonym: Ellery Queen
Publisher: Pocket Books
Genre: novel, mystery
Date(s): (1962) 1966
Author’s age at the time: 46
Dutch title: Blauwe wereld
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1963(?)) May 1966
Author’s age at the time: 47
Author’s title: Cugel the Clever
Dutch title: De ogen van de overwereld
Genre: novel
Date(s): 1966
Author’s age at the time: 50