A bibliography for Jack Vance

Jack Vance, sorted by year written

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4 matches
Author’s title: Mazirian the Magician
Dutch title: De stervende aarde
Date(s): (1944) 1950 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 28
Author’s title: Cugel the Clever
Dutch title: De ogen van de overwereld
Genre: novel
Date(s): 1966
Author’s age at the time: 50
Dutch title: Rhialto de Schitterende
Date(s): (1978(?)) 1983
Author’s age at the time: 62
Author’s title: Cugel: The Skybreak Spatterlight
Other titles: Cugel’s Saga
Dutch title: Cugel gewroken
Genre: novel, fantasy
Date(s): (1981) 1983
Author’s age at the time: 65