A bibliography for Jack Vance

Jack Vance, sorted by year written

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65 matches
Author’s title: Mazirian the Magician
Dutch title: De stervende aarde
Date(s): (1944) 1950 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 28
Dutch title: De Wereldbedenker
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1944) July 1945
Author’s age at the time: 28
Other titles: Planet of the Red Star
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1945) July 1946
Author’s age at the time: 29
Dutch title: Meisje van Goud
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1945) May 1951
Author’s age at the time: 29
Dutch title: De vruchten der Phaleden
Publication: Thrilling Wonder
Date(s): (1945) December 1946
Author’s age at the time: 29
Other titles: Dream Castle
Genre: short story, SF
Author’s age at the time: 30
Author’s title: The God and the Temple Robber
Other titles: The Temple of Han
Dutch title: De tempel van Han
Publication: Planet Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1946) July 1951
Author’s age at the time: 30
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1948) July 1948
Author’s age at the time: 32
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1948) September 1948
Author’s age at the time: 32
Dutch title: De spectaculaire sardines
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1948) January 1949
Author’s age at the time: 32
Dutch title: De afschuwelijke McInch
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1948) November 1948
Author’s age at the time: 32
Dutch title: Koning der dieven
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1948) November 1949
Author’s age at the time: 32
Dutch title: Vierhonderd merels
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1948) July 1953
Author’s age at the time: 32
Dutch title: De Pottenbakkers van Firsk
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1949) May 1950
Author’s age at the time: 33
Dutch title: De zeven uitgangen van Bocz
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1949) 1952
Author’s age at the time: 33
Other titles: Enchanted Princess, Roger Atkin, The Dreamer
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1949) November 1954
Author’s age at the time: 33
Dutch title: De Gillende Springers
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1949) March 1949
Author’s age at the time: 33
Other titles: New Bodies for Old
Dutch title: Chateau d’If
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1949) August 1950
Author’s age at the time: 33
Author’s title: The Ten Books
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1949) March 1951
Author’s age at the time: 33
Author’s title: To B or Not to C or to D
Dutch title: Op kosmische blaren
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1949) September 1950
Author’s age at the time: 33
Published under pseudonym: John Holbrook
Other titles: Ultimate Quest
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1949) September 1950
Author’s age at the time: 33
Date(s): (1950) June 1951
Author’s age at the time: 34
Dutch title: Vakantieparadijs Tussen de Sterren
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1950) July 1950
Author’s age at the time: 34
Other titles: Brain of the Galaxy
Dutch title: De nieuwe eersteling
Publication: Worlds Beyond
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1950) February 1951
Author’s age at the time: 34
Other titles: The Masquerade on Dicantropus
Dutch title: Maskerade op Dicantropus
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1950) September 1951
Author’s age at the time: 34
Other titles: Overlords of Maxus
Date(s): (1950) February 1951 (1986)
Author’s age at the time: 34
Other titles: The Planet Machine, The Plagian Siphon
Dutch title: De Planeetmachine
Date(s): (1950) October 1951
Author’s age at the time: 34
Other titles: Winner Lose All
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1950) December 1951
Author’s age at the time: 34
Dutch title: Station Abercrombie
Date(s): (1951) February 1952 (1976)
Author’s age at the time: 35
Dutch title: De Mitr
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1951) July 1953
Author’s age at the time: 35
Dutch title: De Kokod-Krijgers
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1951) October 1952
Author’s age at the time: 35
Date(s): (1951) November 1951
Author’s age at the time: 35
Title: DP! ▷
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1951) April 1953
Author’s age at the time: 35
Dutch title: Het Geheim
Publication: Impulse
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1951) March 1966
Author’s age at the time: 35
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1951) August 1952
Author’s age at the time: 35
Dutch title: Joop Driebeen
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Author’s age at the time: 35
Title: Noise ▷
Other titles: Music of the Spheres
Dutch title: Lawaai, Geluid
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1952) August 1952 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 36
Dutch title: Sjambak
Publication: If
Date(s): (1952) July 1953
Author’s age at the time: 36
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1952) November 1953
Author’s age at the time: 36
Other titles: Sabotage on Sulphur Planet
Dutch title: Sabotage op de Zwavelplaneet
Publication: Startling Stories
Date(s): (1952) June 1952
Author’s age at the time: 36
Other titles: Ecological Onslaught
Dutch title: De Wereld Tussenin
Date(s): (1952) May 1953
Author’s age at the time: 36
Title: Telek ▷
Dutch title: Telek
Date(s): January 1952
Author’s age at the time: 36
Dutch title: Wanneer de Vijf Manen Opkomen
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1953) March 1954 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 37
Published under pseudonym: J. A. Kavnnes, John Van See
Other titles: First Star I See Tonight, Murder Observed
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1953) March 1954
Author’s age at the time: 37
Dutch title: De Duivel op de Verlossingsrots
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1954) January 1955
Author’s age at the time: 38
Dutch title: Kom naar Miss Heelal
Publication: Fantastic Universe
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1954) March 1955
Author’s age at the time: 38
Dutch title: De Gave van de Woorden
Date(s): (1954) September 1955 (1964)
Author’s age at the time: 38
Dutch title: De mensen keren terug, De mannen keren terug
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1955) 1957 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 39
Dutch title: Als Hesperus Valt
Publication: Fantastic Universe
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1955) October 1956
Author’s age at the time: 39
Dutch title: De Onzichtbare Melkman
Date(s): (1955) February 1956
Author’s age at the time: 39
Other titles: I-C-a-BeM
Publication: Amazing Stories
Date(s): (1956) October 1961
Author’s age at the time: 40
Dutch title: Groene magie
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1956) June 1963
Author’s age at the time: 40
Other titles: House Lords
Dutch title: De Baas in Huis
Publication: Saturn
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1956) October 1957
Author’s age at the time: 40
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1956) August 1957
Author’s age at the time: 40
Dutch title: Genadeslag
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1957) February 1958
Author’s age at the time: 41
Author’s title: Milton Hack from Zodiac
Dutch title: De Man van Zodiac
Publication: Amazing Stories
Date(s): (1957) August 1967
Author’s age at the time: 41
Author’s title: The Miracle Workers
Dutch title: De wonderbarlijke verrichtingen van Sam Salazar
Date(s): (1957) July 1958 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 41
Dutch title: Ullwards Toevluchtsoord
Publication: Galaxy Magazine
Genre: short story, SF
Date(s): (1957) December 1958
Author’s age at the time: 41
Dutch title: Parapsyche
Date(s): (1957) August 1958
Author’s age at the time: 41
Date(s): (1958) October 1959 (1964)
Author’s age at the time: 42
Dutch title: De Maanvlinder
Publication: Galaxy Magazine
Date(s): (1960) August 1961 (1976)
Author’s age at the time: 44
Other titles: Dust of Far Suns, Sail 25
Dutch title: Zeil 25
Publication: Amazing Stories
Author’s age at the time: 45
Date(s): (1963) July 1964
Author’s age at the time: 47
Dutch title: Rhialto de Schitterende
Date(s): (1978(?)) 1983
Author’s age at the time: 62
Publisher: Spatterlight Press
Date(s): 2012
Author’s age at the time: 96