A bibliography for Jack Vance

Jack Vance, sorted by year written

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14 matches
Date(s): (1950) June 1951
Author’s age at the time: 34
Other titles: Overlords of Maxus
Date(s): (1950) February 1951 (1986)
Author’s age at the time: 34
Dutch title: Station Abercrombie
Date(s): (1951) February 1952 (1976)
Author’s age at the time: 35
Date(s): (1951) November 1951
Author’s age at the time: 35
Dutch title: De Zoon van de Boom
Genre: novella, novel, SF
Date(s): June 1951
Author’s age at the time: 35
Title: Telek ▷
Dutch title: Telek
Date(s): January 1952
Author’s age at the time: 36
Dutch title: De huizen van Iszm
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: novella, novel, SF
Pages: 121
Date(s): (1953) 1954 (1964)
Author’s age at the time: 37
Dutch title: De Gave van de Woorden
Date(s): (1954) September 1955 (1964)
Author’s age at the time: 38
Author’s title: Milton Hack from Zodiac
Dutch title: De Man van Zodiac
Publication: Amazing Stories
Date(s): (1957) August 1967
Author’s age at the time: 41
Dutch title: Parapsyche
Date(s): (1957) August 1958
Author’s age at the time: 41
Author’s title: The Miracle Workers
Dutch title: De wonderbarlijke verrichtingen van Sam Salazar
Date(s): (1957) July 1958 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 41
Other titles: Dust of Far Suns, Sail 25
Dutch title: Zeil 25
Publication: Amazing Stories
Author’s age at the time: 45
Genre: novella, novel, SF
Date(s): (1961) August 1962
Author’s age at the time: 45
Date(s): (1963) July 1964
Author’s age at the time: 47