A bibliography for Jack Vance
Dodkin’s Job
Author: Jack Vance
Year written: 1958
Author’s age at the time: 42
Year published: October 1959
Year revised: 1964
Publication: Astounding Science Fiction
French title: Les oeuvres de Dodkin
Genre: short story, novelette, SF
Luke often daydreamed of a more sumptuous life: AAA nutrition, a suite of rooms for his exclusive use, Special Coupons by the bale, Class 7 Erotic Processing, or even Class 6, or 5: despite Luke’s contempt for the High Echelon he had no quarrel with High Echelon perquisites. And always as a bitter coda to the daydreams came the conviction that he might have enjoyed these good things in all reality. He had watched his fellows jockeying; he knew all the tricks and techniques: the beavering, the gregarization, the smutting, knuckling and subuculation…
Republished in The Moon Moth and Other Stories, Spatterlight, 2012