A bibliography for Jack Vance

Jack Vance, sorted by year written

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74 matches
Author’s title: Mazirian the Magician
Dutch title: De stervende aarde
Date(s): (1944) 1950 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 28
Dutch title: De vruchten der Phaleden
Publication: Thrilling Wonder
Date(s): (1945) December 1946
Author’s age at the time: 29
Date(s): (1946) 1985
Author’s age at the time: 30
Published under pseudonym: Alan Wade
Other titles: Isle of Peril, Bird Isle, Forbidden Island
Publisher: Mystery House
Genre: novel
Date(s): (1947(?)) 1957
Author’s age at the time: 31
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1948) 1952
Author’s age at the time: 32
Published under pseudonym: Peter Held
Other titles: Take My Face, Mask of Flesh
Publisher: Mystery House
Genre: novel, mystery
Date(s): (1948) 1957
Author’s age at the time: 32
Other titles: The Five Gold Bands, The Space Pirate
Dutch title: De vijf gouden banden
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1949) November 1950
Author’s age at the time: 33
Date(s): (1950) June 1951
Author’s age at the time: 34
Other titles: Overlords of Maxus
Date(s): (1950) February 1951 (1986)
Author’s age at the time: 34
Other titles: The Planet Machine, The Plagian Siphon
Dutch title: De Planeetmachine
Date(s): (1950) October 1951
Author’s age at the time: 34
Dutch title: Station Abercrombie
Date(s): (1951) February 1952 (1976)
Author’s age at the time: 35
Date(s): (1951) November 1951
Author’s age at the time: 35
Dutch title: De Zoon van de Boom
Genre: novella, novel, SF
Date(s): June 1951
Author’s age at the time: 35
Other titles: Sabotage on Sulphur Planet
Dutch title: Sabotage op de Zwavelplaneet
Publication: Startling Stories
Date(s): (1952) June 1952
Author’s age at the time: 36
Other titles: Ecological Onslaught
Dutch title: De Wereld Tussenin
Date(s): (1952) May 1953
Author’s age at the time: 36
Dutch title: Sjambak
Publication: If
Date(s): (1952) July 1953
Author’s age at the time: 36
Title: Telek ▷
Dutch title: Telek
Date(s): January 1952
Author’s age at the time: 36
Author’s title: Gold and Iron
Other titles: Slaves of the Klau
Dutch title: Slaven van de Klau
Publication: Space Stories
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): December 1952
Author’s age at the time: 36
Dutch title: De huizen van Iszm
Publication: Startling Stories
Genre: novella, novel, SF
Pages: 121
Date(s): (1953) 1954 (1964)
Author’s age at the time: 37
Dutch title: Vrijbuiters in het heelal
Date(s): 1953
Author’s age at the time: 37
Dutch title: De Gave van de Woorden
Date(s): (1954) September 1955 (1964)
Author’s age at the time: 38
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Genre: novel, horror
Author’s age at the time: 39
Other titles: I-C-a-BeM
Publication: Amazing Stories
Date(s): (1956) October 1961
Author’s age at the time: 40
Dutch title: De talen van Pao
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1956) December 1957
Author’s age at the time: 40
Dutch title: Het Eeuwige Leven
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1956
Author’s age at the time: 40
Author’s title: Milton Hack from Zodiac
Dutch title: De Man van Zodiac
Publication: Amazing Stories
Date(s): (1957) August 1967
Author’s age at the time: 41
Other titles: Strange People, Queer Notions
Publisher: Underwood-Miller
Genre: novel
Date(s): (1957) 1985
Author’s age at the time: 41
Dutch title: Parapsyche
Date(s): (1957) August 1958
Author’s age at the time: 41
Author’s title: The Miracle Workers
Dutch title: De wonderbarlijke verrichtingen van Sam Salazar
Date(s): (1957) July 1958 (1969)
Author’s age at the time: 41
Other titles: Man in the Cage
Publisher: T. V. Boardman
Date(s): (1958) 1960
Author’s age at the time: 42
Date(s): (1958) October 1959 (1964)
Author’s age at the time: 42
Publisher: Underwood-Miller
Genre: novel, mystery
Date(s): (1958(?)) 1979
Author’s age at the time: 42
Publisher: Underwood-Miller
Genre: novel, mystery
Author’s age at the time: 43
Dutch title: De Sterrekoning
Publication: Galaxy Magazine
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1960) December 1963
Author’s age at the time: 44
Dutch title: De Maanvlinder
Publication: Galaxy Magazine
Date(s): (1960) August 1961 (1976)
Author’s age at the time: 44
Other titles: Dust of Far Suns, Sail 25
Dutch title: Zeil 25
Publication: Amazing Stories
Author’s age at the time: 45
Genre: novella, novel, SF
Date(s): (1961) August 1962
Author’s age at the time: 45
Author’s title: Strange She Hasn’t Written
Published under pseudonym: Ellery Queen
Other titles: Four Men Called John
Publisher: Pocket Books
Genre: novel, mystery
Date(s): (1961) 1964
Author’s age at the time: 45
Author’s title: Death of a Solitary Chess Player
Published under pseudonym: Ellery Queen
Publisher: Pocket Books
Genre: novel, mystery
Date(s): (1962) 1965
Author’s age at the time: 46
Author’s title: Man Who Walks Behind
Published under pseudonym: Ellery Queen
Publisher: Pocket Books
Genre: novel, mystery
Date(s): (1962) 1966
Author’s age at the time: 46
Date(s): (1963) July 1964
Author’s age at the time: 47
Dutch title: Blauwe wereld
Publisher: Ballantine Books
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1963(?)) May 1966
Author’s age at the time: 47
Dutch title: De Moordmachine
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1964
Author’s age at the time: 48
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1965
Author’s age at the time: 49
Author’s title: Cugel the Clever
Dutch title: De ogen van de overwereld
Genre: novel
Date(s): 1966
Author’s age at the time: 50
Dutch title: Het Paleis van de Liefde
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1967
Author’s age at the time: 51
Dutch title: Emphyrio
Genre: novel, SF
Pages: 261
Date(s): (1967) 1969
Author’s age at the time: 51
Author’s title: The Chasch
Dutch title: Een stad vol Chasch
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1967) 1968
Author’s age at the time: 51
Dutch title: De Dirdir
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1969
Author’s age at the time: 53
Other titles: The Wannek
Dutch title: Onder de Wankh
Genre: novel
Date(s): 1969
Author’s age at the time: 53
Series: Durdane
Dutch title: De Roguskhoi
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1970) August 1972
Author’s age at the time: 54
Dutch title: De Pnume
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1970
Author’s age at the time: 54
Other titles: The Faceless Man
Series: Durdane
Dutch title: De Anome
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1970) March 1971
Author’s age at the time: 54
Series: Durdane
Dutch title: De Asutra
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1971) June 1974
Author’s age at the time: 55
Dutch title: Trullion: Sterrenwereld 2262
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1973
Author’s age at the time: 57
Dutch title: Marune: Sterrenwereld 933
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1974) July 1975
Author’s age at the time: 58
Author’s title: The Domains of Koryphon
Dutch title: De domeinen van Koryphon
Genre: novel, SF
Pages: 173
Date(s): December 1974
Author’s age at the time: 58
Series: Gaean Reach
Dutch title: Maske: Thaery
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1975) 1976
Author’s age at the time: 59
Author’s title: The Magnificent Showboats of the Lower Vissel River, Lune XXIII, Big Planet
Dutch title: Circuswereld
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1975
Author’s age at the time: 59
Dutch title: Wyst: Alastor 1716
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1978
Author’s age at the time: 62
Dutch title: Lens Larque
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1979
Author’s age at the time: 63
Author’s title: Cugel: The Skybreak Spatterlight
Other titles: Cugel’s Saga
Dutch title: Cugel gewroken
Genre: novel, fantasy
Date(s): (1981) 1983
Author’s age at the time: 65
Dutch title: Het Boek der Dromen
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1981
Author’s age at the time: 65
Other titles: Suldrun’s Garden
Series: Lyonesse
Genre: novel, fantasy
Date(s): (1982) 1983
Author’s age at the time: 66
Series: Lyonesse
Dutch title: De groene parel
Genre: novel, fantasy
Date(s): 1985
Author’s age at the time: 69
Dutch title: Station Araminta
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1986) 1987
Author’s age at the time: 70
Title: Madouc ▷
Series: Lyonesse
Dutch title: Madouc
Genre: novel, fantasy
Date(s): 1989
Author’s age at the time: 73
Dutch title: De oude aarde
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (1990) 1991
Author’s age at the time: 74
Title: Throy ▷
Dutch title: Throy
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): 1992
Author’s age at the time: 76
Series: Gaean Reach
Dutch title: Nachtlamp
Genre: novel, SF
Pages: 389
Date(s): (1995) April 1996
Author’s age at the time: 79
Dutch title: De Wilde Vaart
Genre: novel, SF
Pages: 294
Date(s): (1997) April 1998
Author’s age at the time: 81
Title: Lurulu ▷
Series: Gaean Reach
Dutch title: De Lokkende Verte
Genre: novel, SF
Pages: 208
Date(s): 2004
Author’s age at the time: 88
Publisher: Spatterlight Press
Date(s): 2012
Author’s age at the time: 96
Genre: novel, SF
Date(s): (January 2019) 2019
Published posthumously